13th July 2022 Extraordinary Meeting
Aby with Greenfield Parish Council
Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting held
13th July 2022
Attendees: Cllr's, T Wood (Chairman), D Stovin (Vice Chairman), M Wood, M Steed (Mr),
P Parker, M Steed (Clerk)
Apologies: Cllr G Parker
Payments to be agreed:
£12 training lunch. - Agreed by attending Councillors (Any future invoices for training
lunch to be paid without question for 2022/2023).
£60 Parish Council meeting up to June 2022. - Agreed by attending Councillors.
£616 Outstanding money from Jubilee Fund to be transferred to Village Hall - Agreed not
to transfer at present due to other possible payments later.
£126 for wood to refurbish the old benches on the village green. - Agreed by attending
Councillors. Cllr Steed (Mr) to forward details to RFO once obtained.
Deeds & Lease
The Vice Chairman gave a summary of his findings which had been collated in 2010
regarding ownership of the village hall and details of the Lease which has expired.
At that time three options were given to the old members of the parish council, but
no decisions were made.
More recently, the Vice Chairman contacted Katrina Edwards at LALC who gave a
contact of Roger Taylor a solicitor who specialists in renewing leases etc. Contact
was made and a quote for renewing the lease was given (£1200 + VAT)
depending on it being straight forward.
Contact has been made with Janet Clark (YMCA Lincolnshire) regarding:
- what documents are required for obtaining funding
- possibility of handing the responsibilities back to the Parish Council.
Email received back with various reports, information sheets and links to websites.
Along with 3 options for us to move forward with.
Councillors debated all options, looking at the advantages and disadvantages for all options.
A decision was made that the council would remain separate to the village hall committee.
Reason being that the Parish Council would be responsible for paying the rates on the hall,
which in turn would mean raising the precept to a much higher level. Along with funding options
would be limited.
It was decided that the Lease needed renewing so that more options were open to funding
via the National Lottery for example.
Also deeds for the village hall was discussed as evidence found that the deeds were being held
by Walkers, Owen & Craig solicitors in Alford who are now known as Wilkin & Chapman.
For future reference all correspondence will be contained with these minutes.
Actions agreed:
To contact John Haines at Tinn Criddle & Co to view lease and obtain quote. TW
To contact Wilkin & Chapman regarding locating the deeds to the village hall. TW
Meeting closed at 7.55pm