18th December 2024
18th December 2024 (draft)
Present: Cllrs D Stovin (Vice chair), M Steed, T Bateman
Ms M Steed (Parish Clerk), P Parker (RFO)
Public Meeting
No members of the public attended.
Parish Council Meeting
115. Vice Chair welcomed and open the meeting.
116. Apologies - None
117. Approve previous minutes 16/10/24 - Approved and signed.
118. Matters arising from previous minutes
90. Village Green - Cllr M Steed (Mr) reviewed post, was unable to remove bolts.
Cllr D Stovin has offered his industrial tools to help. Both to meet to try again.
94. VH Update/next steps - Two quotes received. Awaiting quote from Coles.
Winters have declined to quote and waiting for plans to be returned.
112. Vacancies on the Parish Council update - Received application from Mr B. Stone.
All councillors agreed. Proposed by Cllr D Stovin and seconded by Cllr T Bateman.
Application form to be sent to another resident as they have expressed an interest.
Position of Chair - Cllr M Steed (Mr) has put himself forward for consideration.
Proposed by Cllr P Parker and seconded by Cllr D Stovin.
Position of Clerk - ongoing
113. Village green - dog fouling - Sign put up at entrance of Village Green.
114. Bonfires on the village green -Letter to Mr J Milligan to reiterate no bonfires on Village
Green. Cllr M Steed (Mr) to liaise with Mr J Milligan in spring to locate a suitable
composting area to use.
119. Financial Matters
Financials discussed and will be kept with printed copy of minutes.
Precept 2024/25 - Precept finalised and it was agreed the precept would remain the
same as 2023/24 £2,000
120. Aby Graveyard. - Discussed as part of precept.
121. Grass cutting - Village Green - Discussed as part of precept.
Date of next meeting - Monday 31st March 2025
Meeting closed at - 7.32pm