13th March 2023
Present: Cllrs T Wood (Chair), D Stovin (Vice chair), M Wood, M Steed,
Ms M Steed (Parish Clerk), J Wilkinson (RFO), Cllr A Grist
2 members of the public attended
Public Meeting
Discussed uneven footpath from Mrs Westerby’s house to the Village Hall.
Action for Cllr P Parker to report to Fix My Street/Highways.
Discussion held regarding South Thoresby Quarry.
Cllr Grist advised that there have been ongoing dialog for many years with
East Lindsey, GMB and Highways. And now Highways have committed to resurfacing the road.
Action Chairman to draft letter of complaint to Highways.
Parish Council Meeting
65. Chair welcomed and open the meeting.
66. Apologies - Valid reason for absence was received for Cllr P Parker.
Reason was accepted by chair.
67. Approve previous minutes 24/01/23
Confirmed as correct and signed by chair.
68. Matters arising from previous minutes
9e. Lease for the village hall.
Draft copy of the new lease received. Meeting set up to discuss.
27. Neighbourhood watch
Discussed and agreed the initial set-up.
Chair agreed to become the co-ordinator for scheme.
All Cllrs agreed to purchase 50 leaflets at £6 and 50 stickers at £2.50 for
the community.
44. Precept 2023/24
Clerk confirmed precept of £1,800 sent to East Lindsey.
69. Financial Matters
Approve payment to Zurich Insurance £305.76 - Approved
Approve payment to Aby Village Hall for rent £120.00 - Approved
Approve payment to M Steed for ink cartridges £58.28 - Approved
70. Parish Election
All councillors were given nomination forms to complete and hand back to the clerk.
71. Bus Stop
January 2023 two new signs were erected in the village by Highways. These were not what
was originally asked for.
Action - Email to Highways to ask them to purchase 2 new signs with the correct wording
(School Drop Off Point)
72. Planning Application
Application reference N/001/00225/23 Griffontee House - All Cllrs advised no objects to the
Cllr Grist advised he will request a referral to the planning committee. All Cllrs agreed with
73. Kings Coronation
No funding is available at this time.
74. Water collection
It was noted a tap off had been added to the village halls downpipe without permission.
The Cllrs do not object to the water being collected however, permission should of been
requested prior to collection.
Action - Chair to liaise with neighbour
Date of next meeting 9th May 2023